Appointment Types

All students and alumni can schedule appointments for their career development needs. Appointment types are categorized by student classifications, career counseling, resume review, and mock interview.  The questions below each appointment type can help you determine if that is the right appointment for you.

To schedule your appointment today visit:

Once you log in to Handshake follow these steps to create your appointment:

  1. Click the Career Center tab
  2. Select “Appointments” tab
  3. Choose your appointment type
  4. Select the staff member
  5. Select the Appointment Medium (in person, video, call, phone call)
  6. Choose from the available dates and times available (ensure you are in the correct time zone)

(Keep in mind the Handshake appointment calendar is set to central time zone)

  1. Leave us a brief description in the box titled, “What can we help you with?”
  2. Verify your appointment information and click the green request button.

Freshman Check – In

  • Questioning your major?
  • Need to explore careers that best fit your major, interest, and goals?

 Sophomore Check – In

  • Still unsure about your major or possible career opportunities?
  • Learn what will make you an even better candidate for internship opportunities?

 Junior Check – In

  • Learn how to network to gain career-related experience and internship opportunities?
  • Research and prepare for graduate school?

 Senior Check – In

  • Uncertain about next steps post-graduation?
  • In need of more experience before you graduate?
  • Seeking to connect with employers for career opportunities post-graduation?
  • Need help with graduate school application?

Career Counseling

  • Confused about your future related to academics and career?
  • Need to complete a career assessment?
  • Many factors involved that may include family, finances, and other personal concerns?

 Resume Review

  • Have your resume reviewed and critiqued at any step of the resume writing process?
  • View our resume rubric as a guide and checklist for your resume?

 Mock Interview

  • Allows students to practice their interview skills for academic and career related opportunities?
  • Give tips and advice on behavior and communication skills to prepare for and ace the interview?


Having trouble choosing your major? Have you had the “oh no this is not for me moment?” You are not ALONE!

Many students have difficulty choosing a major for several reasons such as:

  1. The pressure from family members about what they “think” you should do.
  2. Friends encouraging your decision based on their choices or opinions.
  3. Worried that you may be limited or locked in to a certain career options depending on your major.
  4. Uncertain of the job outlook for particular careers.
  5. Wondering if you will have to further your education such as attending graduate school to get a job.

All of these are very logical reasons and should be answered before choosing a major. It’s important to gain as much information to help you in your decision-making process. So, what should you do next?

Don’t worry, the Career Center is here to help you! We value the opportunity to help students decide what they want to do with their life. In figuring this out, we realize that there are many more factors to consider including who you are, your likes and dislikes, values, and beliefs. Our approach to student development is advised with the consideration that every student is unique as is their desires.

Our approach to our student’s uniqueness is why we help students become more aware of their personality, interests, values, beliefs, and skills, through the completion of career assessments. Career assessments not only measures a variety of personal characteristics, they also provide additional information necessary help students see how their major relates to potential career options.

In choosing a major it is important to create a plan. Remember, success needs a plan and we have created a Four – Year Plan to ensure your success!

When do I need to choose a major? NOW

What are the choices?


You are constantly growing and evolving, which is why it is important to learn about yourself and increase self-awareness. We offer career assessments to assist students with learning and exploring who they are.

The Career Center offers several assessments students can take to assist with choosing a major and exploring career options, and career paths.

Career Assessments helps students learn and explore:

  • Personality, interests, values, and skills
  • Relate majors to careers
  • Explore potential career paths
  • Determine the necessary steps needed to achieve career goals

It is important for students to understand these assessments provide great insight and helps tremendously with choosing a major and career. However, it is equally important for students to understand more exploration (such as informational interviews) may be needed to help with the decision-making process. Career assessments helps to students to explore and analyze their thoughts and options but are not definitive in telling student’s what major to choose and career path to take.

The following assessments are provided by the Career Center

  • TypeFocus: Assess your personality, interests, values, and skills. Explore careers and watch videos for careers that match you best.

(Code required:

  • O*Net: O*Net Interest Profiler assess your interests and links you to careers that relates best to your interests.

(no password or code required:

  • Strong Interest Inventory: Gives insight about a person’s interests using Holland’s Theory.

(contact the Career Center to complete this assessment)

Each of the assessments require specific codes/passwords. Be sure to contact your Career Center for this information at 318.357.4050 or email Once you complete your career assessment be sure to schedule an appointment with the Career Counselor.

To schedule your appointment, click here:

Learn About You and Potential Careers

Phasellus nec varius ex, ut accumsan augue. Nulla vestibulum interdum arcu quis dapibus. Suspendisse fringilla sed dui vel maximus. Nam et congue metus, nec posuere nulla. Nam aliquet velit in lacus feugiat, eget sagittis ipsum malesuada. Aliquam erat diam, vehicula vitae vestibulum ac, blandit sed dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam vitae orci porta, mollis metus ut, ullamcorper leo. Nullam aliquet libero non eros lobortis, quis lobortis mauris pulvinar. Sed ut tellus euismod, pellentesque magna vel, feugiat mi. Duis tempus volutpat feugiat. Sed suscipit libero in orci commodo sodales. Integer gravida est ut velit mattis, ut lacinia magna faucibus. Sed dui nisi, gravida id risus feugiat, tempor condimentum nunc.

Get Information: Knowledge is Power

It is important for students to gather information about potential majors and careers. Students are encouraged to volunteer, job shadow and/or conduct informational interviews.

Job shadowing is when you observe or shadow someone doing their job. You will have the opportunity to observe their duties on a daily basis and ask questions along the way. Job shadowing allows to students to follow someone working in the field and role in which they are interested. The duration is typically at least 1 hour per day for as many days as scheduled and decided on between student and employer.

Informational interviewing is when potential employer candidates (students) arrange an interview to learn more about the career/job you are interested in. These interviews may take place face to face, over the phone, online, or during lunch. Typically lasts 15 minutes to 1 hour. After you complete an interview be sure to send interviewee a thank you note with your signature.

To learn more about Informational Interviews:


Informational Interview Questions:

By volunteering, job shadowing, and/or conducting an informational interview you will be more knowledgeable of what you career path you want to take and become more confident in a decision. At the end of your experience you will know one of two things, either you like this career and you can see yourself working at a job such as this or realize this is totally not what you want to do. Sometimes you simply the type of work environment you prefer to work in, which is great and very beneficial in helping you make a decision. You can also create or edit your career plan accordingly with the knowledge you have gained. Students are encouraged to consult with the career counselor following the completion of volunteer work, job shadowing, and informational interviews related to their career interests to help with their career decision making process.

All students are encouraged to learn more about their career interests be it through research or working (paid or unpaid) in their interest work area. Experience prior to graduation will help you to be a more qualified candidate when applying for internships and as a recent graduate.