Purple Alerts are distributed through a company called Everbridge. Registration for Purple Alerts will take place directly through a Everbridge supported website. You must be a Northwestern State University student, faculty or staff member in order to register for Purple Alerts.
You can access the member portal here.
You can use your NSU credentials to login to the website and change your information. Instructions are in the Frequently Asked Questions section.
Frequently Asked Questions
No. Strict protocols are in place for use of the Purple Alert system. It will be activated ONLY in the instance of an emergency in which poses an immediate risk to the health and safety of the campus community or for campus closures. It will also be tested occasionally.
No. It is your option to sign‐up your personal information. All Northwestern State University e‐mail addresses are automatically entered into the system, and those e‐mail address will always receive e‐mail alerts, even if no other personal information is ever entered.
In order to change your information after you register, you will go to the member portal at https://member.everbridge.net/index/453003085612883#/login. You will click the green button that says “Use my network Credentials to login”. You will be directed to the “My Profile” page where you can edit your information.
On the “My Profile” page, click Edit, and then add or change any information that you would like to.
Be sure to click Save.
You cannot completely delete yourself from the system, as all NSU E‐mail addresses are automatically in the Purple Alert system and will always receive alerts. You may choose not to register your personal phone numbers or e‐mail addresses.
Any questions or need a registration e‐mail, contact Purple‐Alert@nsula.edu.
“Purple Alert” will be in the subject of the e‐mail, listed first in the text message, and vocalized in the voice phone call.
Yes, both the e‐mail and the text messages ask for a response, either click the link or respond with Yes. Please take time to respond, so that the notification service will stop trying to notify you and will move onto the next person on the list.
Valuable time is spent trying to make sure everyone is contacted, so by not responding, the system continues to attempt to notify you of the emergency situation.
Additional information will be made available to you via University’s website, e‐mail, phone, and campus radio and television resources, among other means.
Additional Purple Alerts may be sent depending on the emergency situation. You will be updated as the situation dictates.
When activated, Purple Alert sends a brief notice about the situation and instructions of what to do. The message is sent via various mechanisms, including cell phone text message, cell phone voice call, landline phone call, and e‐mail messages.
Purple Alert will also send updates as available and dependent upon the circumstances of the alert. Some alerts may not require any further updates, and some alerts may continually update you of the situation, depending on the emergency occurring.
An emergency is a situation which poses an immediate risk to the health and safety of the campus community.
The registration page is located at https://member.everbridge.net/index/453003085612883#/login.
You will click the green button that says “Use my network Credentials to login”. You will be directed to the “My Profile” page where you can edit your information.
On the “My Profile” page, click Edit, and then add the ways and contact information for notification during an emergency. You must enter 2 contact methods. The information will not save unless 2 methods of contact are entered.
Please leave your registration e‐mail as your NSU e‐mail address.
Be sure to click Save.
Key Administrative personnel determine the circumstances in which the system is used and then initiate the process. The system is used for emergency situations in which there is an immediate risk to the health & safety of the campus community or when campus closures are necessary.
Northwestern State University students, faculty, and staff that are registered in the Purple Alert system will be sent the alert. University e‐mails will always be sent the alert. Personal contact information will only receive the alerts if they are registered.
Having information enables you to make choices regarding your personal safety. Providing your cell phone and other contact information ensures that those with the latest information can contact you quickly and easily.
About 90 percent of today’s college students have cellular phones and carry them wherever they go, as do many faculty and staff. We hope we’ll never have to use this system, but in the event of an emergency, this may be the fastest was to get information to you.
No, it is only to be used by NSU for notification of an emergency.