Counseling Services

The Counseling Center strives to promote the psychological well-being of students from diverse backgrounds; to foster their development, learning, and academic success; and to provide appropriate intervention when students are experiencing serious mental health concerns.

The Counseling Center welcomes all students. We aspire to respect cultural, individual, and role differences. Our goal is to create a safe, supportive and affirming climate for individuals of all races, ethnicities, national origins, genders, gender identities, sexual/affectional orientations, religions, ages, abilities, sizes, socioeconomic statuses, languages, and cultures.

Moving from one stage of life to another can be stressful and though an exciting time these transitions present multiple challenges, new demands, as well as opportunities for growth. We recognize that stress experienced during critical transitional periods sometimes creates difficulties that can interfere with academic performance, relationships and one’s overall quality of life. These difficulties can often be alleviated through professional counseling.

Counseling services provided by the Office of Counseling and Career Services are designed to promote and enhance the quality of life for individuals by offering prevention and early treatment or referral for developmental, emotional or interpersonal difficulties that arise. Counseling services are delivered in several formats including individual, couples and group counseling, classes, and workshops. Consultation and outreach services are also available to faculty and staff, University organizations and departments. When appropriate, telehealth counseling services are offered to students via WebEx, Teams Zoom and FaceTime.

Who would benefit from counseling?

Anyone can benefit from counseling. Counseling can be used for self-exploration and personal growth and does not necessarily have to be sought for a specific problem or concern. However, for anyone experiencing developmental, emotional or interpersonal difficulties that are particularly challenging counseling is highly recommended.

Are you concerned about your mental health?

Students often have questions about their overall mental health, but don’t want to make a counseling appointment to discuss their concerns. If you are curious about your mental health click here to complete the CCAPS mental health screen. It is anonymous and not linked to your identity. Your report will not be accessible to anyone but you. After you complete the screen, if you have some concerns about your mental health but are unsure about counseling, you can make an appointment for a consultation to discuss your options.

If you or someone you know is struggling, you are not alone. Below are some resources that may be helpful.

The JED Foundation is an online resource for college mental health. Learn more about mental health issues that impact college students.

Man Therapy is an online tool designed to help men with their mental health. Take the “head inspection” assessment, live chat, crisis services and tools for handling stress and difficult life events.

For Student Veterans: Are you a current or veteran of military services?  If so you may be experiencing difficulty adjusting to civilian life, relating to those around you, or finding groups of people with shared experiences that can help.  For soldiers that have been deployed some PTSD symptoms may exist including nightmares, avoidance, feelings of danger, shame, guilt, or even depression.  If some of these symptoms are present know that you are not alone, and help is available!  Please feel free to contact Northwestern State University Counseling and Career Services where we can provide you with a Licensed Professional Counselor or refer you to a Veterans Affairs center in your local area.  Remember we are here to serve you!

Make the Connection is a website for student veterans in higher education. There is useful information regarding life events experienced by service men and women, resources for making the adjustment to civilian and college life, information about common emotional, behavioral and mental health issues and mental health screening assessments, self-help programs and apps to help with coping challenges.

The Steve Fund is dedicated to the mental health and emotional well-being of students of color.

Emergency Crisis Information

24-hour crisis intervention services

If you are experiencing a crisis during office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5pm Monday-Friday), please call 318 357-5621 extension 1 to talk to a counselor or if possible, come to room 305 Friedman Student Union.  Be sure to communicate that you are experiencing a crisis situation. After hours call 318 357-5431, University Police dispatch and the counselor on call will be contacted for you.

National Crisis Text Line -Text 988 to be connected to a crisis counselor 24/7. Text HOME to 741741 for a crisis counselor or text STEVE to 741741 for a culturally competent crisis counselor.  For additional hotlines

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Crisis Services and Referral

Members of the faculty and staff are often the first to notice changes in the mood, appearance and behavior of their students. If you are concerned about a student’s behavior, call the Office of Counseling and Career Services. We provide consultation services to all members of the Northwestern community.

Call the Office of Counseling and Career Services at 357-5621 during office hours 8 AM-5:00 PM when there is an emergency, and you must speak to a counselor. After 5:00 PM and on weekends call the University Police at 357-5431 and they will contact a counselor for you.

Crisis Intervention and Referral Information for Faculty and Staff

Suicide Prevention Brochure

Counseling Services Informational Brochure

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Crisis Hotlines

The office of Counseling and Career Services provides 24-hour crisis services. If you have situation such as a mental health crisis, rape, suicidal thoughts, feelings etc. that arise after 5:00 call University Police at 357-5431 and alert them to the crisis. They will contact the counselor on call for you.

If you are experiencing a mental health emergency such as a suicide attempt or drug overdose dial 911 or if possible, go to the Natchitoches Regional Medical Center emergency room.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

Nami Young Adult Helpline peer support

National Domestic Violence Hotline

RAINN Rape Abuse and Incest National Network

Self-Harm Hotline

Spanish Suicide Hotline

The Steve Fund
Text STEVE to 741741 to reach a culturally trained counselor

Trevor Project hotline

StrongHearts Native Helpline

Trans Lifeline

Veterans’ Crisis Line

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Questions about Counseling

Anyone can benefit from counseling. Counseling can be used for self-exploration and personal growth and does not necessarily have to be sought for a specific problem or concern. However, for anyone experiencing developmental, emotional or interpersonal difficulties that are particularly challenging counseling is highly recommended.

Counseling addresses specific problems of concern that limit or interfere with a person’s normal daily functioning. Students may feel anxious, angry, lonely, or depressed when faced with developmental concerns and academic challenges. Many students are concerned with their personal growth and adjustment to college. Seeking professional assistance is appropriate in aiding personal growth and adjustment and is a healthy response to solving problems that may arise during the college experience.There are many reasons why you may want to see a counselor. Some of these include: Alcohol/drug issues, anger management, anxiety, depression, difficulty adjusting to college, relationship conflict, rape/sexual abuse, just to name a few

Individual counseling, couples counseling, career counseling and crisis intervention services are provided. Group counseling services are offered on an as needed basis to satisfy the needs of the students each semester. All counseling services are confidential.

Counseling is a service provided to Northwestern State University students if they pay the Health Services fee at registration. Appointments with the psychiatrist require a $20 copay per each appointment.

The Office of Counseling and Career Services is open each week Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM- 5:00 PM. Students can call 357-5621 or come by the office located in the Friedman Student Union, Room 305 to schedule an appointment.

Students can expect to receive confidential counseling services and competent care provided by licensed professional counselors and supervised counseling interns. Counseling sessions usually last fifty minutes. Most students receive 8-10 sessions. It is normal to feel uncertain and nervous when attending your first counseling session, but after a few sessions you will become more comfortable with the counseling process.

If a student for some reason is uncomfortable with his/her assigned counselor it is that student’s right to request another counselor in the office or a referral to a community resource. The needs and requests of the students will be accommodated whenever possible.

Sometimes in counseling as you change or address the problem at hand other areas of your life, such as existing relationships, begin to change as well. You may feel worse before you feel better, especially when exploring difficult issues in your life. Most students report that counseling improves their quality of life in some way. Many students begin to feel better and to can relate better to others as they develop healthier coping skills for better managing distressing situations. Students often report improved academic performance and a greater sense of satisfaction within the university system. Overall, counseling services offer students additional support as they grow and change.

Appropriate referrals are made to local health care professionals in cases where a counselor’s mental health assessment reflects the need for pharmaceutical treatment.

No one will be told that you are seeing a counselor unless you tell them. All counseling services are confidential.  A consent form must be signed by you if it is nessecary to share information on your behalf with a third party.  However there are four exceptions to confidentiality which include:

1.     If a student reveals he/she has intentions to harm himself/herself or another.

2.     Release of confidential information is requested through a court order.

3.     Child abuse or neglect is suspected or evident.

4.     Abuse, neglect or exploitation of adults who are vulnerable due to physical or mental impairment or advanced age is suspected.

Under any of these circumstances a counselor is ethically bound to take steps to protect the student or a victim of abuse by informing the proper authority, be it a parent, law enforcement officer, or child protection professional.

In cases in which a student’s needs reach beyond the scope of practice of our counseling services appropriate referrals will be made to outside sources who can better serve that individual.

Students are normally seen for 6 to 8 sessions. Then the student and counselor go over the counseling goals that were identified and determine if they were met. At that time a decision will be made whether to continue counseling or terminate counseling.

In some cases, a student’s issues are such that the resources of the counseling center and expertise of the counselor cannot meet their needs. Under those conditions, a student will be referred to the appropriate resource in the community.

Through our website students have access to mental health assessments for alcohol and substance abuse, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and personality disorders.  We also have information and links to resources for various other topics of interest online such as tutorials, self-help, and informational links (see Counseling resources).

Teletherapy services are offered to students via WebEx, Zoom and Microsoft Teams, and FaceTime when appropriate.

The Office of Counseling and Career Services provides 24-hour emergency services. If you have and emergency situation such as a mental health crisis, rape, suicidal thoughts, feelings or attempt, etc. arise after 5:00 call University Police at 357-5431 and alert them to the crisis. They will contact the counselor on call for you.

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Rebecca K. Boone NCC, LPC-S
Director Counseling and Career Services

Counseling Services

Maggie Bossier NCC, LPC-S
Assistant Director Counseling Services

Monique LeBlanc-Bowers NCC, PLPC

Zachary Veuleman NCC, LPC

Career Services

Rachel Cunningham MA
Assistant Director Career Services

Tiffany Carrier MA
Job Location and Development Officer

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Mental Health Resources

Here are some links that may be helpful to you. If you have a favorite link you think should be included on this site please email us and let us know.

Abuse and Violence

Alcohol and Drug Abuse



Black Community Resources


Eating Disorders

Grief and Loss

Health and Wellness


Mental Health Resources

Positive Psychology


Self Assessments and Screenings


Self Injury

Sexual Health
