Northwestern State University (NSU) regrets to announce the cancellation of the ADVANCE Program for Young Scholars (ADVANCE) in 2024 following thirty-four summers of sessions.

Former ADVANCE Program students
Click the link that leads to the Yearbooks and Creative Writing Anthologies uploaded for posterity.

Articulation Agreement information
The Registrar’s office at NSU has documentation on file for former ADVANCE students who wish to seek credit for a class included in an Articulation Agreement between Northwestern State and the ADVANCE Program. The former ADVANCE students must meet the following stipulations:

  • Earned a letter grade of B or higher in the class.
  • Earned 70% or higher on the ADVANCE final.
  • Currently enrolled at NSU in a face-to-face class, online class, or be a dual enrollment student.

Contact the Registrar’s office and indicate that you are seeking credit for a class taken when you were a student with NSU’s ADVANCE Program.

Registrar’s Office Contact Information:
800-807-8849 (Toll-Free)
318-357-5823 (Fax)

Former Employees
Should you need employment verification, contact NSU’s Human Resources department at 318-357-5965.

Special Thanks
It has been an honor to academically challenge middle and high school students who were motivated learners while also providing a community of like-minded peers and engaging residential activities. NSU is proud of the legions of students who benefitted from the ADVANCE Program for Young Scholars!

Movies by our Film Studies Class

Watch the 2021 movie “Guardians of ADVANCE” below.

View the entire playlist of ADVANCE Film Studies movies

Northwestern State University (NSU) regrets to announce the cancellation of the ADVANCE Program for Young Scholars (ADVANCE) in 2024 following thirty-four summers of sessions.

Former ADVANCE Program students
Click the link that leads to the Yearbooks and Creative Writing Anthologies uploaded for posterity.

Articulation Agreement information
The Registrar’s office at NSU has documentation on file for former ADVANCE students who wish to seek credit for a class included in an Articulation Agreement between Northwestern State and the ADVANCE Program. The former ADVANCE students must meet the following stipulations:

  • Earned a letter grade of B or higher in the class.
  • Earned 70% or higher on the ADVANCE final.
  • Currently enrolled at NSU in a face-to-face class, online class, or be a dual enrollment student.

Contact the Registrar’s office and indicate that you are seeking credit for a class taken when you were a student with NSU’s ADVANCE Program.

Registrar’s Office Contact Information:
800-807-8849 (Toll-Free)
318-357-5823 (Fax)

Former Employees
Should you need employment verification, contact NSU’s Human Resources department at 318-357-5965.

Special Thanks
It has been an honor to academically challenge middle and high school students who were motivated learners while also providing a community of like-minded peers and engaging residential activities. NSU is proud of the legions of students who benefitted from the ADVANCE Program for Young Scholars!


The academic curriculum is central to the ADVANCE experience, and courses are designed to challenge and inspire students who enjoy learning. Students enroll in one course for three weeks of intense and demanding study. Course enrollment is typically limited to 15 students creating a low student-faculty ratio. The program provides 108.5 hours of classroom instruction to cover an entire years’ worth of high school material or a semester of college level material.

ADVANCE is not designed to remediate skills – the courses are fast-paced and intensive. Students must select courses from subject areas in which they have strong academic aptitude, because their instructor will cover a great deal of material at a very quick pace. To the best of their ability, instructional staff attempt to accommodate a variety of learning styles.

Instructional Staff

ADVANCE instructors have a minimum of a master’s degree or equivalent and have experience teaching in a variety of classroom settings. Our instructors strive to provide interesting, high-energy educational experiences that often differ from those students encounter in their local schools. Instructors employ a variety of instructional strategies, including discussion groups, journal and creative writing, guest speakers, lab experiences, field trips, individual or group research, exploration of real-world phenomena, and media presentations (computer, film, art). These activities are designed to engage students in critical thinking, problem-solving, writing and speaking skills, and higher-order thinking.

Teaching Assistants are top students from leading universities. In addition to their various classroom duties, TAs strive to build a sense of community within the classroom setting and live in the dorm to provide additional student support and supervision.  

Student Evaluations

Evaluations are mailed to students within seven days after the close of ADVANCE, along with a course description and syllabus. The evaluations assess the student’s performance in such areas as intellectual processes, work habits, peer interactions, and products created in the course such as tests, essays, visual projects, writing assignments, research, and presentations. The evaluation will indicate the student’s cumulative average, the score earned on the final, and if the instructor recommends credit for the student. A student must earn a 70% or higher on the ADVANCE final for the instructor to recommend the student receive credit.

The ADVANCE Program will not send information to the student’s home school regarding completion of work at ADVANCE unless it is requested in writing after the program closes. 

Students who intend to include their ADVANCE Program participation as part of their college admissions portfolio should keep a copy of their student evaluation. The ADVANCE Program cannot guarantee that copies of the evaluation will be available at a later date.

Requesting Course Credit or Placement

The ADVANCE instructor may only recommend credit; conferral of school credit is always the responsibility of the student’s school at home. If the student wishes to seek credit for a course taken at ADVANCE, the student must follow the policies of their individual secondary school. It is important to begin the process of seeking credit or placement from the student’s school before ADVANCE begins. The following steps may assist students in obtaining course credit or placement at their schools:

  1. Contact the person at the student’s school who could grant credit or placement for a student’s work at ADVANCE (school counselor, vice-principal, registrar, et cetera).
  2. Direct the school official to our website for information regarding the program.
  3. Give the school official a copy of the syllabus for the course that the student will take at ADVANCE.
  4. Inform the school official that ADVANCE students enroll in one course for three weeks and attend class for 108.5 contact hours.
  5. Inform the school official that ADVANCE students do not receive transcripts from Northwestern State or the ADVANCE Program. Students will receive an evaluation completed by their instructor after the program ends.
  6. Inform the school official that ADVANCE students must earn a 70% or higher on their final for the ADVANCE instructor to recommend credit.

Remember, neither Northwestern State’s ADVANCE Program nor Northwestern State will produce a transcript for ADVANCE students. School credit may only be issued by the student’s home school.

Some schools may require the student to take a test after attending a summer academic program to confirm that the student knows the course material and is ready to move to a higher-level course.

Parent Conferences

Parents are an integral part of their child’s academic successes, and our instructors welcome the opportunity to talk with parents about their child’s performance at ADVANCE. Parent conferences are available before and after the closing ceremony on departure day, Saturday, July 27. At registration on Sunday, July 7, parents may select a time for their parent conference. A telephone conference may be arranged for parents who are unable to be present on departure day. However, all phone conferences must take place before the end of the program.

Computer Access

Computer labs are available for classes that require word processing and class-related work and assignments.

Articulation Agreement with Northwestern State

Some of the courses offered by ADVANCE may qualify for articulated college credit at Northwestern State. The following details the necessary steps to be taken:

  1. The former ADVANCE student must be admitted and enrolled in either an online or a traditional face-to-face course at Northwestern State.
  2. The former ADVANCE student must contact the ADVANCE office while enrolled at Northwestern State.
  3.  The former ADVANCE student may then request articulated credit for a course taken at ADVANCE if the course was included in an Articulation Agreement between Northwestern State and ADVANCE.
  4. The ADVANCE office will contact the Northwestern State Registrar and complete the necessary paperwork for the former ADVANCE student to obtain credit for the course taken while an ADVANCE student.
  5. The former ADVANCE student will then be granted the letter grade received during ADVANCE contingent upon earning a grade of B or better and a 70% or higher on the final exam in one of the courses listed below while a student during the 2024 ADVANCE Program. NOTE: The ADVANCE student will not be issued a transcript from Northwestern State for work completed during ADVANCE.

The following courses are included in the 2024 Articulation Agreement with Northwestern State:

Algebra 2 Math 1020
Biology Biology 1010
Chemistry Chemistry 1070
Creative Writing English 2120
Film Studies English 3500
History History 4310
Introduction to Engineering Technology Industrial Engineering Technology 1700
Psychology Psychology 1010
Shakespeare in Performance English 4190


In order to achieve the complete ADVANCE experience, students should plan to engage fully in both academic and residential activities. While participation in ADVANCE fosters intellectual, social, and emotional growth, it is important to recognize that genuine academic motivation is the true heart of the program. Students unable to make academics their first-priority or those primarily interested in a “summer camp experience” should refrain from applying to ADVANCE. However, truly motivated students will enjoy a community of peers unlike any they have ever experienced.

Admissions Policy

All applicants must email the following documents to to complete their application:

  1. A copy of the applicant’s most recent report card.
  2. A copy of the applicant’s most recent state standardized test scores. If scores have been misplaced, many schools provide that information on school transcripts, and transcripts may be submitted to ADVANCE.

Louisiana applicants:

Louisiana applicants who earn LEAP 2025 achievement levels of Advanced or Mastery in the subject area that corresponds to the desired ADVANCE class and submit a satisfactory report card will be accepted to the program.

Louisiana applicants who earn LEAP 2025 achievement levels of Basic, Approaching Basic, or Unsatisfactory in the subject area that corresponds to the desired ADVANCE class will be required to submit two examples of outstanding schoolwork, and a teacher must email the ADVANCE office  ( stating why they recommend the student as a candidate for the program.

Texas applicants:

Texas applicants who earn STAAR performance standards of Masters or Meets in the subject area that corresponds to the desired ADVANCE class and submit a satisfactory report card will be accepted to the program.

Texas applicants who earn STAAR performance standards of Approaches or Did Not Meet in the subject area that corresponds to the desired ADVANCE class will be required to submit two examples of outstanding schoolwork, and a teacher must email the ADVANCE office ( stating why they recommend the student as a candidate for the program.

Applicants from other states:  Contact the ADVANCE office at 318-357-4500 or

Applicants who have taken an ACT or SAT:

If applicants have taken an ACT or SAT and their scores meet those shown in the chart below, they may submit those scores along with a copy of their most recent report card with their application. Applicants will be notified if state standardized test scores and a teacher recommendation are needed.

The left side of the chart below indicates qualifying scores for students who took an ACT or SAT while in the 7th grade. If students achieve the required scores while in 7th grade, they do not have to retake the test to apply to ADVANCE in future years.

The right side of the chart indicates qualifying scores for students who took an ACT or SAT while in 8th – 11th grades.

Students qualify for specific courses based on their scores on subsections of the ACT or SAT. For example:

*Students who submit ACT scores and wish to enroll in a math, science, or technology course at ADVANCE should qualify with either their ACT math or science score. Students who wish to enroll in a humanities course should qualify with either their ACT English or reading score.

**Students who submit SAT scores and wish to enroll in a math, science, or technology course at ADVANCE should qualify with their SAT math score. Students who wish to enroll in a humanities course should qualify with their SAT EBRW score.

Abbreviations for the ACT qualifying scores are E = English; M = Math; R = Reading; S = Science. Abbreviations for the SAT qualifying scores are EBRW = Evidence-Based Reading and Writing; M = Math.



GRADES 8, 9, 10, or 11

Students must meet at least one of the following:


E > 20

M > 18

R > 20

S > 20

Or a combination of:

M > 17 and E > 19

M > 17 and R > 19



EBRW > 510

M > 500

Students must meet at least one of the following:


E > 22

M > 20

R > 22

S > 22

Or a combination of:

M > 19 and E > 21

M > 19 and R > 21



EBRW > 540

M > 520

Application Instructions

Application and Payment Deadlines 

The application deadline has been extended until May 20, 2024, with full payment, as classroom space permits. Contact the ADVANCE office for course availability or more information.

  1. Apply!
    The easiest way to apply and pay the nonrefundable $50 application fee is to click on the APPLY NOW button on the right side of the screen. Please note the following when applying online:

    1. Red asterisks indicate required fields.
    2. Rank your courses. Students enroll in one course for the three-week session. You may identify up to five courses you would accept placement in and rank them from most preferred (#1) to least preferred (#5). Please only rank courses that you would be willing to take. Listing only one course choice does not increase your chances of being placed in that course and limits your chances of participating in ADVANCE this summer.
    3. Place a checkmark in the authorization box at the end of the application.
    4. You must pay the nonrefundable $50 application fee online before clicking the “add to basket” button. Forms of online payment accepted by Northwestern State include American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa (including check cards).
    5. If you prefer to complete an application by hand, email and request one. It will be emailed to you with information on how to pay the nonrefundable $50 application fee.
  2. Required Academic Documents
    Admission decisions and course placement will not be made until the ADVANCE office receives all components, including academic documents, of your application. Be sure to submit the following to the ADVANCE office.

    1. A copy of the applicant’s most recent report card.
    2. A copy of the applicant’s most recent state standardized test scores. If those scores have been misplaced, many schools provide that information on school transcripts, and transcripts can be submitted to the ADVANCE office. Click here to learn about acceptable achievement levels on Louisiana’s LEAP 2025 test and acceptable performance standards on Texas’ STAAR test. Applicants from other states should call the ADVANCE office at 318-357-4500 or email for information.
  3. Submit Academic Documents
    Because academic documents cannot be uploaded to the ADVANCE online application, submit them by one of the following methods:    
    Email:  Scan, attach, and email the documents to
    Mail to:
    ADVANCE Program
    NSU Box 5671
    Natchitoches, LA  71497
    Ship to:
    ADVANCE Program
    175 Sam Sibley Dr
    Ste 5671
    Natchitoches, LA  71457
    Documents may not be faxed to the ADVANCE office.

After You Apply

If you are accepted…

  1. You will receive an acceptance email within two weeks of our office receiving your application, application fee, and academic documentation.
  2. The nonrefundable $400 enrollment deposit is due within two weeks of our office sending you an acceptance email. If we do not receive your enrollment deposit within that period, you will forfeit your place in the program. Note: Financial aid applicants will wait to pay their enrollment deposit within five days of accepting their financial aid offer.
  3. After you pay the nonrefundable $400 enrollment deposit, our office will email an acceptance packet to you. The packet contains your course syllabus and several forms to complete and return to ADVANCE. We will also email you and your parent/guardian a link to the student handbook. A printed copy of the handbook will not be mailed unless requested.

Balance due date

The payment due date is May 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM.

If ADVANCE does not receive your remaining balance by the specified due date/time, you will forfeit your place in the program and all payments made on your behalf.

Ways to make payments

  1. Online:  Online payments may be made through a secure website by clicking this link, Payment Link, or by typing this URL,, in your internet browser. Northwestern State accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and Visa (including check cards).
  2. By mail:  If paying by check, cashier’s check, or money order, make it payable to NSU’s ADVANCE Program. Mail it to ADVANCE Program, NSU Box 5671, Natchitoches, LA 71497
  3. Payments cannot be made by phone or fax.

If you are placed on a waiting list

If you accept placement in one of your lower ranked courses, your name will be placed on the waiting list for all your higher ranked courses. If a spot becomes available in one of your higher ranked courses, we will notify you immediately by email. You will have one day to decide if you want to move to your higher ranked course.

Apply early for best course selection and to avoid being placed on a waiting list!

Financial Aid

Financial aid is limited, based upon need, not merit, and is available to both in-state and out-of-state students. All financial aid applications and documentation must be received by the ADVANCE office on or before the financial aid application deadline. All financial aid applications will be reviewed at one time to determine which students have the most need. The parent or guardian of the financial aid applicant will be notified of the amount of financial aid awarded by phone and/or email within three business days of the financial aid application deadline.

Financial Aid Deadline    

April 1, 2024, at 11:59 PM. Late applications will not be considered.

Financial Aid Instructions    

  1. Should parents/guardians want to apply for financial aid on behalf of their child, they must first submit the online student application and the nonrefundable $50 application fee. Click the APPLY NOW! purple button on the right side of the screen. Next, email the required academic documents to complete the student application.
  2. Click this link Financial Aid Application to open the fillable financial aid application. While this is a fillable form, it cannot be submitted online.
  3. Save the financial aid application to your computer before you begin completing the form. Reopen the saved PDF and thoroughly complete pages 1 and 2 via your computer. SAVE and PRINT the fillable financial aid application before closing the PDF.
  4. Submit the printed financial aid application and applicable financial documents on April 1, 2024, by 11:59 PM.
  5. Financial aid applications received after the specified deadline will not be considered.
  6. Incomplete financial aid applications will not be considered.

Submit Required Documents

Use one of the following methods to submit the financial aid application and required financial documents:

  1. Scan, attach, and email the documents to
  2. Use the following mailing address:
    ADVANCE Program
    NSU Box 5671
    Natchitoches, LA  71497
  3. Use the following shipping address (for UPS or FedEx):
    ADVANCE Program
    175 Sam Sibley Dr
    Suite 5671
    Natchitoches, LA  71457
  4. Documents may not be faxed to the ADVANCE office.

After a Financial Aid Offer is Made

  1. Parents/guardians must either accept or decline the financial aid offer within five days of being notified of the offer. If the offer is declined, the $50 application fee will be refunded.
  2. If the financial aid offer is accepted, the nonrefundable $400 enrollment deposit is due within five days of accepting the offer.
  3. The financial aid offer will specify payments dates. However, balances for financial aid recipients must be paid by May 29, 2024.

Cost, Discounts, Refund Policy


Program tuition is $2,850. An additional $50 nonrefundable application fee is due at the time of application, and some classes carry an additional $50 lab fee. Tuition includes room, board, instructional costs, and most recreational activities.


  1. A $250 discount will be given to ADVANCE students who are dependents of a Northwestern State employee or Northwestern State student.
  2. Should a family have two or more children who qualify for and attend ADVANCE, a $250 discount will be given to each ADVANCE student.

Refund Policy

All payments, including the $50 application fee, $400 enrollment deposit, and remaining balances are nonrefundable unless Northwestern State must cancel the program.

Residential Life

While successful completion of the rigorous academic program is our priority, we realize that students need to have fun! Therefore, our outstanding Residential Assistants (RAs) offer a wide variety of social and recreational activities to assist in forming lasting friendships and strengthen the ADVANCE community. Throughout the residential program, we focus on helping students have a good time in a safe, supervised environment.

ADVANCE students come from many different backgrounds and have a wide variety of opinions and beliefs. We believe that engaging such diversity is part of the educational experience that the program provides, and we encourage students to embrace the opportunity to learn from others who are different from themselves.


While students are ultimately responsible for their own conduct, the administrative, instructional, and residential staff work together to provide clear guidelines and supervision. ADVANCE employees are prepared to help students adjust to the academic demands of the program and to the experience of being away from home.

Evening and Weekend Activities

Activities are offered every weeknight after guided study and Saturday and Sunday afternoon and night. Students are expected to participate in six of the nine activity periods offered weekly.

Typical activity offerings include:

  1. Arts and crafts projects (friendship bracelets, collages, duct tape projects, painting t-shirts)
  2. Games and cards (Munchkin, Apples to Apples, Sentinels of the Multiverse, Chess, ERS, Phase 10)
  3. Sports (ultimate Frisbee, e-Sports, basketball, swimming, flag football, tennis, soccer, dodgeball, volleyball)
  4. Dance lessons (Footloose, Time Warp, Istanbul, Thriller, etc.)
  5. Music jam sessions
  6. Off-campus activities (visiting fast food restaurants, movie theater, or downtown Natchitoches.)
  7. Others activities may include anime, improvisational comedy, poetry slam, karaoke, reading or a picnic by Chaplin’s Lake, murder mystery games, and visits to Goodwill.
  8. Esoteric activities may include Jedi and/or Sith training, Quidditch for muggles, Humans vs. Zombies, awkward prom, and interactive movies.
  9. Some long-standing ADVANCE traditions include a 3-on-3-basketball tournament, capture the flag, weekly dances (which are awesome), ping pong tournament, Beach Party, and the amazing, long-hallowed talent show held on the last night of the program.
  10. Students who simply wish to socialize with co-ed friends may do so in one of the common areas in the dorm under staff supervision.
  11. RA Night Out (RANO). Every RA group has a special night once during the program. It takes place during an evening activity period and examples include visiting a local restaurant, watching a movie, a night of board games, or another special group activity. Students really look forward to their RANO and it is a perfect time to create more memories and strengthen the ADVANCE community.


Learning to live with others is an important component of the ADVANCE experience. ADVANCE encourages diversity in its student and staff population, and participants will have the opportunity to live and learn with students from many different cultures and backgrounds. The staff members live on the halls with the students to provide support and supervision.

ADVANCE participants, staff, and instructors from out of town reside in University Place 2 (UP2), an air-conditioned dormitory on Northwestern State’s campus. UP2 has suites with two bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a kitchenette with a small microwave, dorm-size refrigerator, and a sink. The bedrooms are either shared, meaning the student will have a roommate, or private, meaning the student will not have a roommate. Therefore, the suites can house two to four students. Regardless of housing assignments, tuition remains the same for all students.

Each student is assigned to an RA group comprised of 10 to 14 students. Roommate assignments are made by the Coordinator of Residential Life (CRL) and are based on student age and similar likes and interests. After students are accepted to ADVANCE, they will be emailed a form to complete for the CRL to use when assigning students to an RA group and when pairing students with a suitemate or roommate. Housing requests will be considered, but it may not be possible to accommodate all requests. ADVANCE students may only visit the suites of others who live on their same residential hall. Any student who violates this policy will be dismissed from ADVANCE. 

For questions about the dorm or other residential concerns, please call the ADVANCE office at 318-357-4500 or email

Keys, ID card, and Security
Students will be issued a bedroom key, an ADVANCE ID card, and a now-famous orange shoestring at the time of dormitory check-in. The ID card serves as the student’s meal and library card. The bedroom key and ID are always to be worn around the student’s neck on the orange shoestring. Should the student lose the room key it must be replaced immediately and the student (or his or her parents/guardians) will be responsible for the $75.00 replacement fee. Although UP2 is always monitored, students are expected to always lock their bedroom to ensure security for personal items. Northwestern State, the ADVANCE Program, nor the UP2 staff are responsible for lost, stolen, or damage to personal items.


There is a laundry room with three washers and four dryers on each floor of UP2. The washers and dryers accept quarters, and each load is $1.50. Laundry rooms are off-limits after lights out. Students are responsible for their own laundry and ADVANCE staff members will be glad to provide instructions for sorting clothing and on the use of the machines.


Students eat their meals in the cafeteria along with the residential and instructional staff. Meals include a variety of hot entrées, vegetables, sandwiches, salads, beverages, and desserts to better accommodate differing tastes and dietary practices. Vegetarian entrées are offered at every meal.

Supper is served quite early so that students may be in guided study by 6 p.m. Monday through Friday and then participate in evening activities. Therefore, we recommend that students bring healthy snacks and bottled water to keep in their suite. Some snack suggestions include microwavable foods (ravioli, spaghetti cups, soup, Ramen noodles), and non-perishable foods (trail mix, beef jerky, pop tarts, crackers, nuts). Remember that students are not living off their healthy snacks. Also, please limit the sugar and caffeine content of all snacks.

Students are required to drink a glass of water with every meal and should bring bottled water if they dislike tap water.  They may also bring a refillable water bottle (marked with their names) as NSU has many water fountains with bottle filling stations.

Spending Money

$125 – $150 should be plenty, because the program covers most on-campus activities.

We recommend bringing a prepaid debit card for off-campus activities and to access cash, if necessary, from the ATM on Northwestern State’s campus. Additionally, students should bring $10 in quarters for laundry and a prescription pill bottle works great for this!

Students and their parents and/or guardians should discuss budget issues prior to ADVANCE. As the program has no way of cashing out-of-town personal checks, they should not be brought to ADVANCE or mailed to the student during the program.


Mail is distributed Monday – Friday. Mail sent during the third week of the program may not arrive in time to be delivered to students before they leave the program, so family and friends should only send mail through the second week of ADVANCE. There is a U. S. Post Office on campus where students may purchase stamps and send mail. Although ADVANCE staff members distribute student mail, ADVANCE does not accept responsibility for lost or stolen items.

Parents/guardians and friends should address mail to students in the following way:

*To mail letters and/or packages via the U. S. Postal Service (USPS):

ADVANCE student’s name
NSU Box 5671
Natchitoches, LA  71497

    *Northwestern State strongly encourages you to use the U. S. Postal Service (USPS) to send all letters and packages.

To ship packages via UPS or Federal Express:

ADVANCE student’s name
175 Sam Sibley Dr
Suite 5671
Natchitoches, LA  71457


Students may bring cellphones, but they must remain in the dormitory at all times. Click on Expectations for Student Conduct in the menu box and scroll to the Electronic Devices Policy for more information.


Students will have full privileges at Northwestern State’s Watson Library and may check out books by showing their ADVANCE ID card. Students will be charged overdue fine of $1.00 per day per book and the fine for a lost book is $60.

Musical Instruments and Practice Rooms

Students may bring small musical instruments (clarinet, guitar, violin, et cetera) to ADVANCE. Small instruments may be practiced and stored in the student’s locked dorm room. If students play the piano, they may bring sheet music and we will provide a music practice room with a piano three to five times per week. Do not bring large instruments (harp, drums, et cetera) as there is no storage space available for them. Neither Northwestern State nor the ADVANCE Program is responsible for loss or damage to instruments during the program.

Medical Information

Students who take prescribed medication during the regular school year must continue to take the medication while attending ADVANCE. Parents/guardians will be expected to provide enough medication for the length of the program.

ADVANCE employs a medical consultant who is a registered nurse (RN). The RN will address routine health problems, administer first aid, oversee the use of daily medications, screen medical complaints and, when needed, accompany students to a local physician. In an emergency, students will be taken to the Natchitoches Regional Medical Center and parents/guardians will be notified as soon as possible. The RN will request that the treating physician(s) contact the parents/guardians and advise them of the diagnosis and/or treatment. After students return to campus, they will be asked to call home to report their condition. For non-emergency medical care, students will be taken to a physician’s clinic or a walk-in clinic.

Thorough completion of the medical forms is essential. The medical forms and copies of the front and back of the student’s medical insurance card/s will be taken to the clinic or hospital as a guide for the health care provider. If medical or emergency contact information has changed since completion of the forms, please provide updated information as soon as possible.

If a student does not have medical insurance, the student’s parent/guardian, not the ADVANCE Program or Northwestern State, will be financially responsible for treatment at a physician’s clinic or the Natchitoches Regional Medical Center.

Students will not be allowed to complete registration or move in at the dorm without providing complete medical information and copies of both sides of their insurance cards.

Student Conduct

We expect our students to meet the highest standards of behavior, both in personal conduct and in academic pursuits on and off campus. Therefore, students must adhere to the following.

ADVANCE Expectations for Student Conduct

  1. I will take full advantage of the academic and social opportunities provided by ADVANCE. I will diligently work in my course, attend all classes and guided study sessions, participate in six out of nine activity periods offered every week, and positively contribute to the ADVANCE community.
  2. I understand and will adhere to the established ADVANCE policies to ensure the safety and enjoyment of the program for all students. I will follow the direction of all ADVANCE employees.
  3. I will always conduct myself in a truthful, accountable, and reasonable manner as an ADVANCE participant. I will be considerate of other participants, ADVANCE employees, and the employees and property of the dormitory and Northwestern State.
  4. I will not lie, cheat, plagiarize, or steal in my academic or social actions and I will not support the actions of those who may do so.
  5. I understand that harassment (verbal or physical), intimidating behavior, playing pranks or practical jokes, and bullying will not be tolerated. This includes via electronic devices, photographs, and through any form of social media.
  6. I will view ADVANCE as a community and will share in the responsibility of maintaining an environment where individual actions do not violate the integrity of the community as a whole. I will accept responsibility for my own actions and accept the consequences of those actions.
  7. I understand that participation in ADVANCE is a privilege, that participants come from many different backgrounds and have a wide variety of opinions and beliefs. I will appreciate the similarities and respect the differences that make each ADVANCE student unique.
  8. As a participant of the ADVANCE Program, I understand that Northwestern State University does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, religion, sexual orientation, national origin, disability, genetic information, and age.

The ADVANCE Program cannot accommodate students who are either unwilling or unable to live up to these expectations.

Basic Residential Life Rules

ADVANCE students will:

  1. Respect and follow the directions of all ADVANCE employees and seek their guidance as needed.
  2. Eat all meals in the cafeteria, attend required dorm meetings, and maintain cleanliness and respect for property, buildings, grounds, or any facility used by the ADVANCE community (including but not limited to, the student’s assigned dorm room and suite, dormitory common areas, cafeteria, classrooms, and all venues for activities, sports, and dances).
  3. Always wear their ADVANCE ID tag and room key around their neck on the orange shoestring.
  4. Be and stay on their respective hallway from 10:00 p.m. until leaving the dorm the next morning with their RA group for breakfast or for a supervised morning run.
  5. Adhere to the lights out rule of 10:30 pm for younger students and 11:00 pm for older students.
  6. Sleep in their assigned bed in their dormitory room each night and not leave their dormitory room  until 7:00 a.m.
  7. Always be in the presence of a staff member except when in their room or suite, on their hallway, or in the dorm room or suite of another ADVANCE student on their hall.
  8. Not engage in inappropriate public displays of affection.
  9. Not leave campus unless accompanied by an ADVANCE employee, their parents/guardians, or with a person whom their parents/guardians have given written permission to the ADVANCE office to take their child from the dormitory or program.
  10. Use good common sense and show respect and consideration for others and the property of others.

Prohibited Items      

If a student is found with any of the prohibited items, the items will be confiscated for the duration of the program. ADVANCE will not assume responsibility for loss or damage to confiscated items. Possession, use, or sale of certain prohibited items may result in dismissal from ADVANCE. The following items must not be brought to ADVANCE by the student, purchased during ADVANCE, or sent to the student while attending ADVANCE:

  1. Video Game Consoles (Wii, Wii-U, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox*One, et cetera)
  2. Hand-held video games (3DS, DSi, Vita, PSP, et cetera)
  3. Collectible card games (CCGs), trading cards, and tarot cards
  4. Role-playing game books or other items associated with role-playing games
  5. Laptops, netbooks, tablets (Apple iPad, Microsoft Surface, Samsung Galaxy Tab, et cetera), desktop computers, or printers.
  6. Televisions and portable DVD players
  7. Cooking devices (toaster ovens, hot plates, coffee pots, crock pots, et cetera)
  8. Bicycles, skateboards, morfboards, hoverboards, unicycles, scooters, roller blades, skates, shoes with wheels, motorcycles, cars, or other moving devices
  9. Curtains or any items hanging from windows, ceilings, or light fixtures
  10. Laser pointers or halogen lamps
  11. Weight benches or workout machines
  12. Pets of any kind
  13. Weapons of any kind (including pocketknives)
  14. Alcohol, tobacco products, illegal substances and/or drug paraphernalia
  15. Any flame-producing devices (including matches, lighters, incense, candles, fuels, fireworks, explosives, or other incendiary devices)

Items 1 – 6 above are not meant to be punitive, but to ensure that students are participating in activities, engaging with other students, and not tempted to stay up past lights out.

In addition to the above list, we reserve the right to confiscate for the length of the program any items that, in our judgment, demonstrate the potential for distracting students from the goals of the program, or that pose undue risk to property or to the safety and well-being of the ADVANCE community.

Actions resulting in immediate dismissal include:

  1. Possession of weapons of any kind (including pocketknives).
  2. Possession, sale, or use of alcohol, tobacco products, illegal drugs, or drug paraphernalia.
  3. Tampering with fire alarms, extinguishers, or fire hoses.
  4. Possession of open flame items or incendiary items (matches, lighters, incense, candles, fireworks, fuels, explosives, et cetera).
  5. Academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, or theft in academic endeavors.
  6. Social dishonesty including, but not limited to, theft.
  7. Leaving assigned dormitory room or residence hall after lights out.

No tuition refunds will be made to students and/or their parents/guardians if a participant is dismissed from ADVANCE.

Actions resulting in possible dismissal include:

  1. Being anywhere on campus unaccompanied by a staff member.
  2. Lack of academic effort or not attending to academic work in a satisfactory manner.
  3. Interaction of a sexual nature or sexually suggestive manner with any other person.
  4. Vandalizing property belonging to another person, Northwestern State, or any facility used by the ADVANCE community. If a student damages property, the parents/guardians of the student will be held responsible for the cost of repair or replacement of the property.
  5. Undermining the safety or wellbeing of self or others (including threats).
  6. Unexcused absences from class or evening guided study.
  7. Verbal or physical harassment of other participants or ADVANCE employees, including, but not limited to, bullying, intimidating behavior, playing pranks or practical jokes, including via electronic devices, photographs, or through any form of social media.
  8. Not cooperating with adult supervision.
  9. Visiting or having visitors of the opposite birth gender on the residence hall.
  10. Fighting, including hitting or pushing another person, either as an aggressor or in response to the aggressive or irritating actions of another.
  11. Disruptive or inappropriate behavior in the classroom, dormitory, on campus, or in the city of Natchitoches.
  12. Misuse of campus computer equipment or computer privileges by such actions as visiting inappropriate Internet sites, sending inappropriate email messages, or posting inappropriate photos and/or text on any form social media, disrupting computer operations, or damaging computer equipment.

No tuition refunds will be made to students and/or their parents/guardians if a participant is dismissed from ADVANCE.

Electronic Devices

Students may bring the following electronic devices, but they must always remain in the dormitory:

  1. Cell phones
  2. Portable music players (iPods, mp3 players, Discman, et cetera)
  3. eBook readers (Kindle, Kindle Fire, Nook, Kobo, Sony’s Reader, et cetera)

ADVANCE reserves the right to limit the use of any allowed item if, in our judgment, it is distracting the student from academics or participation in activities.

The ADVANCE Electronic Devices Policy:

  1. Students may not bring desktop computers, laptops, netbooks, tablets (such as the iPad), or printers.
  2. Students may not take electronic devices outside of the dormitory.
  3. Students must leave all electronic devices in their locked dormitory room while attending class, guided study, or activities.
  4. If a student is found with an electronic device outside of the dormitory, a staff member will take the electronic device from the student and return it to the student that night at 10:00 pm (on-hall).
  5. ADVANCE may confiscate electronic devices for the duration of the program if the student sends inappropriate email or text messages, attaches inappropriate photos to email or text messages, leaves inappropriate voice messages, or posts inappropriate messages or photos on any form of social media.
  6. Electronic devices may not be used after lights out.
  7. If a student is found using an electronic device after lights out, a staff member will take the electronic device from the student and return it to the student the next morning before breakfast.

Northwestern State, the ADVANCE Program, or NSU housing staff will not assume any responsibility for a student’s personal electronic devices, which includes, but is not limited to, cell phone bills and broken, lost, stolen, or confiscated electronic devices.

Dress Code for Students and Staff Members

While a summer program, students and staff members should remember that ADVANCE remains an educational environment. Students should therefore dress in a manner that does not distract from the primary academic mission of the program and should maintain appropriate standards of modesty and safety in attire. Students should wear modest clothing that fits in a reasonable manner (not too tight or too baggy) and is not too revealing. Specific rules for proper attire at ADVANCE include, but are not limited to, the following:

  1. No shorts or skirts that are too short or low. Undergarments should not be revealed whether the student is standing, sitting, bending over, or reaching for something above.
  2. No bare midriffs or cleavage are to be shown should the student be standing, sitting, bending over, or reaching for something above.
  3. No strapless tops may be worn. Tops must have either straps or sleeves that secure it to the students’ bodies, and all tops must adequately cover undergarments.
  4. Profane or offensive language or images on T-shirts or other articles of clothing are prohibited. These include, but are not limited to, language, graphics, or scenes that are suggestive, crude, vulgar, violent, racially motivated, or promote the use of alcohol, drugs, tobacco or any illegal substance or activity.
  5. Swimwear shall be modest and not too revealing. A t-shirt is to be worn over swimwear while walking to the pool.
  6. Males must wear lined swim trunks per Northwestern State’s policy.
  7. If an ADVANCE staff member believes that a student’s attire is inappropriate to the academic or social setting, the student will be asked to change clothes.
  8. For health reasons, shoes must be worn.

Please keep in mind that the Dress Code is in place to ensure that the ADVANCE community remains an academic environment and that clothing worn by students does not present a disruption to that environment. Please leave the inappropriate clothing at home.

Information For Parents & Guardians

Parents are a key component of a successful summer program for their child. When the decision is made for a student to attend ADVANCE, the student and his or her parents need to have realistic expectations for the student. The fast-paced academic program and living away from home for three weeks are often new to students. Well ahead of the program, please discuss with ADVANCE administrators any issues that may affect your child’s experience in the classroom or dormitory.

ADVANCE, now celebrating its 36th year offering a residential summer program for academically motivated students, has encountered a range of attitudes from parents concerning academic performance in the program. The following advice will help you prepare your child to succeed in the classroom:

  1. Emphasize that academic self-improvement, as opposed to earning a particular grade or being the first in the class to complete assignments, is acceptable. Encourage your child to do the best that he or she can.
  2. ADVANCE courses are brief, very intense, and require a greater effort than he or she may be accustomed to making at his or her school at home. Many of the courses at ADVANCE are taught on the college level.
  3. Discuss with your child that is it okay to not know the subject at first, because it is assumed that students have little if any knowledge of the subject.
  4. Reassure your child that constructive criticism is used as a means for learning and should not be taken negatively.
  5. Remind your child that he or she will be among a group of very bright young people who learn new material quickly and comparisons to others should be avoided.

Help Prepare Your Child for Residential Life                  

Hailed as an exemplary academic program, the ADVANCE Program also has a stellar residential life component to ensure that our students have a terrific time while learning. Parents can play an important role in preparing students for the residential experience before the program begins. The following information may help you prepare your child to do well socially and residentially:

  1. ADVANCE students find that they have many common interests once they begin socializing, so please encourage your child to participate in a variety of nightly and weekend activities and meet new, interesting people. Multiple activities are offered when students are not in class and are designed to appeal to our diverse student population.
  2. Emphasize that working through the inconveniences of dormitory life can lead to the development of close long-lasting friendships at ADVANCE.
  3. Encourage your child to talk about their experiences and concerns with staff members. Our staffers are incredibly gifted college students who are here to make a positive difference in the lives of our students, but we cannot help a student if we do not know there is an issue to address.
  4. Review the Expectations for Student Conduct with your child. ADVANCE is a highly structured program and operates with one set of rules for everyone. Students fully committed to all aspects of the program, including academics, residential life, and all student expectations, report the highest levels of satisfaction with their ADVANCE experience.

Help Your Child Unplug                  

While students can bring a few electronic devices (click on Expectations for Student Conduct in the menu box and scroll down to Electronic Devices) for limited use while at ADVANCE, please assist us in limiting usage while students should be sleeping. Cell phones, with their apps and data plans, offer many distractions to students after lights out. Students will need to be rested to engage fully each day in class. Additionally, students are not allowed to stay in their rooms using their devices during activities. Activities are thoughtfully planned to strengthen the ADVANCE community, assist in the creation of friendships, and to ensure that all students have a great time.


All students are expected to remain at ADVANCE during the weekends, as the weekends form an integral part of the ADVANCE experience. ADVANCE students find that weekends offer the most time to socialize, develop friendships, and strengthen the ADVANCE community while having a great time. Consequently, we discourage families from visiting students and taking them off campus. However, accommodations can be made for a family event, such an anniversary party or the wedding of a sibling. Arrangements are to be made with the ADVANCE office prior to the beginning of the program.

Should parents/guardians choose to check their child out of the program for any amount of time, they must go through the proper checkout procedures. This includes having their child notify their RA prior to the time of checkout, completing the proper form in the dorm’s lobby, and presenting a photo ID.

Should parents/guardians allow their child to be checked out by someone else (such as another relative, a neighbor, or parent of another ADVANCE student), parents/guardians will have to submit written permission 24 hours prior to the student being checked out detailing exactly who the student will be with and for how long. Email this information to

Anyone who checks an ADVANCE student out of the dorm must provide a state issued driver’s license or ID. This policy is in place for the safety of the student and is not flexible.

Regulations for Non-Family Visitation

  1. Other than a parent, legal guardian, immediate family member, staff member, or instructor, no other visitors for a student, staff member, or instructor will be allowed in an individual room, suite, residential hallway, study room, laundry room, wing lobby, wing TV room, or within the stairwells.
  2. A non-family visitor is only allowed in a downstairs lobby.
  3. A visitor cannot participate in an ADVANCE activity.
  4. All visitors must adhere to the ADVANCE Residential Life and Academic regulations.
  5. The visitor must seek 24-hour advance permission from the director, associate director, or the coordinator of residential life.
  6. If any ADVANCE employee deems that a visitor’s actions or inactions are disruptive, the visitor will be asked to leave the premises.

Homesick Students

Being away from home can be difficult. Our task is to help all students feel like they are part of the ADVANCE community from the first day. The students will meet everyone in their RA group and classroom before on-hall on the first night. Additionally, we make every effort to create a supportive environment and plan several required group activities the first week to help students meet one another.

From our experience, we ask that parents please allow your child a few days to become comfortable with the program and wait for him or her to call you when they can report on the fun and interesting things taking place at ADVANCE.

If your child becomes homesick, chances are that we already know about the situation. However, you may contact our office or our counselor for ideas on helping your child adapt to the new environment. If your child has not phoned home and you are curious or concerned, you may contact our counselor who will gather information for you. Keep in mind that frequent contact with your child may prolong or intensify homesickness. Remember, most students who initially experience homesickness ultimately succeed in and enjoy their time at ADVANCE.

Notifying Your Child of Distressing News

Please do not contact your child directly regarding a family emergency until you have first spoken with ADVANCE personnel. We prefer that an ADVANCE staff member be present when any troubling news is given to a student at ADVANCE if the student may be upset by the news.

Should parents/guardians need to reach ADVANCE personnel regarding an emergency at home, they should do so in the following manner:

  1. ADVANCE office hours are 8:00 am – 4:30 pm Monday – Friday; 9:45 am – noon Saturday. The office numbers are 318-357-4500 or 318-357-4595.
  2. At registration on Sunday, July 10th, parents will be given emergency contact numbers to use between 4:30 pm and 8:00 am.

University Police

Under the Federal Campus Security Act (20 U.S.C. 1092f), anyone may view the annual security report for Northwestern State by using this link, NSU Annual Security Report. Then click on Annual Security Report and scroll to Main Campus Annual Security Report. The security report includes campus crime statistics and the institution’s safety and security policies. Or you may call (318) 357-5431 or visit the Northwestern State Police Department at 315 Caspari Street, Natchitoches, LA.

Arrival & Departure Information

WHAT:   Student Arrival and Registration
WHEN:  Sunday, July 7, 2024
TIME:     10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Louisiana Scholars’ College (in Morrison Hall on NSU’s campus)
326 Caspari Street
Natchitoches, Louisiana 71457
View Map

NOTE:  If the student must arrive after 2:00 p.m. on Sunday, Sunday, July 7, 2024, arrangements must be made with the ADVANCE office by June 24, 2024.

  1. Students report to registration first and will be told who their RA is, receive a t-shirt, and briefly meet the director, counselor, and medical consultant (nurse).
  2. After registration, students and their parents/guardians will drive to our dorm, UP2 (Directions will be provided.) located at 136 Sam Sibley Dr., Natchitoches, LA.
  3. Students eat lunch with their families. Supper on Sunday, July 7, is the first meal provided for students.
  4. Parents/guardians must leave campus by 4:30 p.m. so participants may have supper with their RA groups.

Departure Information

WHAT:    Closing Ceremony
WHEN:  Saturday, July 27, 2024
TIME:      9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m.

Northwestern State University
CAPA Annex
Magale Recital Hall
140 Central Avenue
Natchitoches, LA  71457
View Map

Note:  The ceremony will be held in Magale Recital Hall which is upstairs in the Creative and Performing Arts Annex.

If students must depart before Saturday, July 27, 2024, arrangements must be made with the ADVANCE office by Tuesday, July 23.

  1. Students must sit with their classmates during the closing ceremony.
  2. After the closing ceremony, students walk back to the dormitory with their classmates.
  3. Students must inspect their dormitory room with their RA before they may leave the program.

WHAT:   Parent/Guardian Conferences
WHEN:  Saturday, July 27, 2024
TIME:     8:00 a.m. – 8:45 a.m.; 10:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
WHERE: Northwestern State University

Louisiana Scholars’ College
(In Morrison Hall on NSU’s campus)
326 Caspari Street
Natchitoches, Louisiana 71457
View Map

  1. At registration on Sunday, July 7, parents/guardians will schedule their conference time for Saturday July 27.
  2. Parent/guardian conferences will be conducted before and after the closing ceremony.
  3. All conferences must take place before the close of the program.

Flight Information

If students fly to or from ADVANCE, all flights must arrive and depart from the Shreveport Regional Airport, Shreveport, Louisiana. Upon arrival, students should go directly to the baggage claim area of the terminal and an ADVANCE staff member, who will be wearing an ADVANCE t-shirt, will be there to meet them. The ADVANCE Program will only provide transportation between the Shreveport airport and the Northwestern State campus on the first and last days of the program at a charge of $50 round trip paid in advance. To assure a place on our shuttle van from the airport, parents must provide us with their child’s flight information and return Form E (Arrival and Departure Information Form) by June 1, 2024. We cannot guarantee that we will meet students who have not provided their flight information.

Students should plan to arrive at the Shreveport airport on Sunday, July 7, between 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. so they will arrive at Northwestern State in time to begin the program.

Parents should not book a return flight home after 3:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 27.

NOTE:  All students must check out of the dormitory by 1:00 p.m. on Saturday, July 27, 2024.

Daily Schedule

Typical Weekday at ADVANCE
7:45 am – 9:00 am Breakfast
9:00 am – noon Class
Noon – 1 pm Lunch
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Class
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Dorm time
5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Supper
6:00 pm – 7:00 pm Guided Study
7:00 pm – 9:30 pm Activities
9:30 pm – 10:00 pm Dorm Time
10:00 pm On hall for all students
10:30 pm Lights out for younger students
11:00 pm Lights out for older students
Attendance is required at all of the above activities. Staff will supervise students during these times.
Quiet hours are observed from 10:30 pm to 7:00 am. Students must remain on their hall until 7:00 am unless they participate in a staff supervised morning run or yoga.

Each weekday of the summer program will include a variety of academic and extracurricular activities in addition to free time for students to work on projects or enjoy new friendships. The days are quite full, but they are designed to ensure that students have fun both in and out of the classroom. Weekdays will be more structured with classes conducted in the mornings and afternoons. Students are required to attend all classes and 6 of 9 activity periods per week.

Because weekdays are so incredibly busy, we ask that parents refrain from visiting at that time.


Large activities, some of which have become storied traditions at ADVANCE, are offered on the weekends. Also, several off-campus activities will be offered.

Saturday:  Class will be held on Saturday morning from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm. There will be activities on Saturday afternoon and students will either attend the dance or a movie on two Saturday nights and the last Friday night.

Sunday:  Brunch will be served from 10:00 am – 11:00 am instead of a traditional breakfast and lunch. Therefore, on Sunday morning students may choose to attend a religious service, do laundry, socialize in a staff supervised area in the dorm, or sleep late. There will be activities on Sunday afternoon and evening. All RA groups will have a meeting every Sunday night.

Staff Application

General Information

This is absolutely the best summer job a college or grad student could hope for! While staff members work long hours, they have an incredible time and positively influence ADVANCE participants.

Staff members must arrive on Northwestern State’s campus Wednesday, July 3, 2024, by 2:00 pm to move into the dorm and begin a required, intensive orientation. Staff members may leave campus on Saturday, July 27, 2024, after all supplies are placed in storage.

The starting salary for staff members is $1,600. Staff members are required to live in the dormitory utilized by ADVANCE and eat all meals with students and fellow employees in the cafeteria.

Staff Applications

Staff applications are due in the ADVANCE office by March 11, 2024. The ADVANCE office will contact applicants by phone or email in late March to mid-April to schedule a phone interview.

Returning staff applicants should complete this form:

If you have never worked for ADVANCE, complete this form:

References for First-time Applicants

All first-time applicants are required to have two references on file before a phone interview will be scheduled. We suggest using current or past employers, co-workers, professors, or former high school teachers as references. Using friends or family members as references is not recommended. References should be submitted to

Note: A background check is a condition of employment for all Northwestern State employees.

Mailing List

Please complete and submit this information if you would like us to mail you information about ADVANCE.

    Movies by our Film Studies Class

    Watch the 2021 movie “Guardians of ADVANCE” below.

    View the entire playlist of ADVANCE Film Studies movies


    ADVANCE Talent Show 2023

    ADVANCE Shakespeare in Performance 2022

    ADVANCE Talent Show 2019

    The students of ADVANCE are smart AND talented! These students all prepped their performance in under a week, while also taking rigorous academic courses. NOTE: Some portions of this video have increased volume in order for performances to be audible

    ADVANCE Program 2018 Talent Show

    The ADVANCE Program for Young Scholars at Northwestern State proudly posts the 2018 Talent Show! Thanks participants and we hope you enjoy watching!

    2018 ADVANCE Calydonian Boar Hunt

    The ADVANCE Program’s mythologies class did a very impromptu production of the Calydonian Boar Hunt. Enjoy!

    ADVANCE Shakespeare Performance 2016

    The ADVANCE Program for Young Scholars’ Shakespeare Class performed selections from Taming of the Shrew, Much Ado About Nothing, and Othello on July 27, 2016.

    ADVANCE Talent Show 2016

    This is a talent show! The students performing attended the ADVANCE Program for Young Scholars in July 2016.

    2015 Theatre Performance Dress Rehearsal

    ADVANCE Shakespeare 2007


    Dates for the upcoming program:
    July 7 – 27, 2024.

    Early applicants increase their class preference.


    Harriette Palmer, Associate Director
    (318) 357-4500

    To mail letters or packages via U. S. Postal Service:

    ADVANCE Program
    NSU Box 5671
    Natchitoches, LA  71497

    To ship packages via UPS or FedEx:

    NSU’s ADVANCE Program
    ADVANCE student’s name
    175 Sam Sibley Dr
    Suite 5671
    Natchitoches, LA 71457

    Note: Northwestern State strongly encourages you to use the United States Postal Service (USPS) to send all letters and packages.