What is the role of the Title IX Coordinator?

The Title IX Coordinator ensures schools are compliant with Title IX, oversees educational efforts for students, faculty, and staff, coordinates the investigation and disciplinary process, and looks for patterns or systemic problems with compliance to ensure schools fulfill all their federal obligations.

What if a student discloses to Faculty or Staff?

As a responsible employee per Title IX related law, faculty and staff must report the disclosure to the Title IX Coordinator. Please feel free to call the Title IX Coordinator or Student Advocate for assistance immediately. Additionally, please download the What to Report Guide (Employee) below and the NSU: Not Alone Brochure to give to the […]

What factors contribute to the likelihood of sexual assault?

Research has shown that alcohol use and sexual violence are associated. Make every effort to watch out for friends and plan interventions to take action if need be–be proactive and do not be a bystander to sexual misconduct. For more information about how you or your student organization can get involved in eliminating sexual misconduct […]

Will others know that I’ve reached out for help?

All reporting of sex discrimination and sexual misconduct is treated as confidential to the greatest extent possible; the privacy of all individuals involved is important to the Northwestern State. In most situations, only individuals involved in the resolution of the situation will have access to the information about the case. If there is a risk […]

How am I protected if I report or act as a witness?

Title IX policy and NSU’s Student Code of Conduct prohibit retaliation. Acts or attempted acts for the purpose of interfering with any report, investigation, or proceeding, or as retribution or revenge against anyone who has reported sexual misconduct, relationship violence, sex discrimination, or who has participated (or is expected to participate) in any manner in […]

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