BOM Banking Services Contract & One Card ID Co-Branding Information

Northwestern State University (NSU) is contracted with Bank of Montgomery (BOM) to provide banking services, co-branded ID cards and Collegiate Checking Account services to all NSU students. In compliance with DOE CFR §668.164(e)(2)(viii) and (f)(4)(v), NSU is publishing the following information for students to review regarding the University’s banking services contract, T2 level One Card ID co-branding relationship and BOM student accountholder information:

Number of Student Accountholders:

Mean & Median Student Costs Incurred:
NSU entered into a banking services contract with BOM on September 1, 2017. Student identification cards were officially co-branded with the BOM logo and issued to NSU students in January 2018. Based on this new co-branding and Collegiate Checking Account relationship , NSU has no mean or median costs incurred by students using BOM services to report at this time.

BOM/NSU Banking Services Contract:

BOM/NSU Contracted Monetary Consideration:

BOM/NSU Contracted Non-Monetary Consideration:
NSU has no contracted non-monetary consideration with BOM.