Non-Credit Course Evaluation Form

    Your Name (optional)

    Course Title (required)

    Course Date (required)

    Course Location (required)

    Please tell us how satisfied or dissatisfied you were with the following.

    1. How satisfied were you that the content of this course met your expectations and needs?

    Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied

    2. How satisfied were you with the materials provided?

    Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied

    3. Overall, how satisfied were you with the speakers/presenters?

    Very DissatisfiedDissatisfiedSatisfiedVery Satisfied

    Please tell us how much you agree or disagree with the following statements.

    4. The content of the workshop was appropriate and informative.

    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree

    5. The workshop was well organized.

    Strongly DisagreeDisagreeAgreeStrongly Agree

    6. What topics/content would you like to see included in future workshops?

    7. What did you like most about the workshop?

    8. What did you like least about the workshop?

    9. In what ways could this workshop be improved?

    10. Additional comments: