This is the work request screen at Click the image to submit a ticket.

Here’s how:

  1. Login to with your NSU account and click “Submit a Request.”
  2. In the “Categories” section select “Department Websites & Web Applications” and press the “Next” button.
  3. Enter your request in the Message section, following this basic format *:
    1. Include the URL of the site in question (ex. “”).
    2. Your request, along with relevant attached files (if any).
  4. Click the “Submit” button

Any faculty or staff requesting a change to NSU’s website must have authorization from their unit head.

[*] the “Priority” selection on the request screen only indicates departmental urgency; it does not reposition the order of your request in the queue.  All request(s) submitted to IT are queued on a first come, first served basis.