Are education records of student athletes covered by FERPA?

The education records of student athletes are covered by FERPA. Without a signed consent form, personally identifiable information may not be disclosed from the education records of student athletes nor may they appear on the published team roster.

Is a signed consent form still needed if a student and family members have an appointment with faculty or staff to review the student’s academic progress?

Yes. By signing the Student Information Release Authorization form, students give universities the authority to share information contained in their educational record to their parent or guardian. FERPA does not allow for information to be released on the assumption that if the student is in the room, the student has given their consent.

The Form […]

Can non-directory (personally identifiable) information be disclosed during a disaster or other health or safety emergency?

Yes. In some situations, a school may determine that it is necessary to disclose non-directory information to appropriate parties in order to address a disaster or other health or safety emergency. FERPA permits school officials to disclose, without consent, education records, or personally identifiable information from education records, to appropriate parties in connection with an […]

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