Demon Mathematics Classic


Registration 2025 Deadline:
March 7, 2025

Competition 2025 Date:
March 21, 2025


Kyser Hall, 4th Floor


Team Entry: $35
Individual Entry: $10


On March 22, 2024, the Department of Mathematics hosted the Demon Mathematics Classic, a “quiz-bowl” style competition for high school students.  13 teams from seven schools attended this annual competition that is sponsored by SABINE STATE BANK.

Students competed as a team and as individuals.  Winners of the individual competition each receive a trophy, a TI-Nspire CX CAS graphing calculator and a scholarship to NSU.

Current Champions

Contest Rules: Competition

Mathematics Challenge Exam: This multiple choice exam tests students’ knowledge of algebra I and II, geometry, and precalculus. Students are encouraged to use their calculators (TI-86 or the equivalent and below). Students have 90 minutes to complete this challenging exam. Winners receive scholarships and prizes.

Math Bowl: Designed in the spirit of Quiz Bowl, math bowl challenges teams in games consisting of 4 rounds each. Each game consisted of toss-up or quick recall questions, a lightning round in which students had 60 seconds to answer 10 questions, a 2 minute worksheet round with 20 questions, and a toss-up bonus round with quick recall questions and four bonus questions when a correct answer was given. The team competition requires both mathematical skill and ability in the areas of Algebra I and II and Geometry. Students are encouraged to use their calculators (TI-86 or the equivalent and below). Students may participate in the individual competition, the team competition, or both. Teams may consist of 4 to 6 students, only four compete at any one time. Students who compete on a team may take the written test at no additional cost. Students who wish to take only the written test may do so for a small entry fee. Entry fee includes lunch following the individual competition.

Sample Tests

The team competition of the DMC has four rounds:

  1. Toss-Up Round– 10 questions, 10 points each. The first team to buzz in after each question has ten seconds to answer. No Consultation is allowed. If the question is not answered correctly, the other team has ten seconds to buzz in with the correct answer.
  2. Lightning Round– A coin is flipped to choose the team to answer first. Each team has 60 seconds to answer 10 rapid fire questions. Teams may consult answers but only the team captain may answer. The team may pass on a question and return to it if there is time remaining. Any questions not answered correctly or unread at the end of the 60 seconds will be read for the opposing team. They will have 60 seconds to answer those remaining questions. Each correct answer is worth 5 points.
  3. Worksheet Round– Each team is given two copies of a 20 question worksheet. Teams will have 2 minutes to complete the worksheet. All answers must be written on a single copy and submitted by the team captain. Each correct answer is worth 10 points.
  4. Toss-Up Bonus Round– 8 toss-up questions will be read. The first team to buzz in with the correct answer will give his/her team the opportunity to answer 4 bonus questions. A team will have 20 seconds to answer the four bonus questions once all four have been read. Though consultation is forbidden on the toss-up, it is allowed on the bonus questions. Only the team captain may answer the bonus question. Once the team captain begins to answer the bonus questions, all consultation must stop and all answers must be given. The opposing team will have the opportunity to answer missed or passed bonus questions. All answers from the opposing team must be given immediately. Each toss-up is worth 10 points and each bonus is worth 5 points.


Mathematics Challenge Exam Awards: First, Second, and Third Place — 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in the challenge exam will receive a trophy. 1st place will also receive a TI nSpire CX CAS. 2nd and 3rd place will receive TI nSpire calculators. The top 3 seniors in the challenge exam will receive a $500 per semester Jove scholarship to major in mathematics, biology, physical sciences, or pre-engineering at NSU. The top senior will be eligible to receive an additional NSU scholarship package.

Team Competition: Champion — Traveling trophy (currently held by Bolton High) and bragging rights as the greatest group of mathematical minds in Louisiana. First, Second, and Third Place — Plaques for each team, medals for each team member


NSU Alumni Association
NSU Bookstore
NSU Foundation
Sabine State Bank provides all trophies, medals, and plaques