Bachelor of Arts program in Criminal Justice

The baccalaureate program provides a full complement of Criminal Justice courses. Additional course work is taken in Sociology, Psychology, and Political Science. Each year in the spring the Criminal Justice program sponsors a Job Fair where representatives from various Criminal Justice agencies and occupations from a number of different states set up booths and interview students for possible employment.

Pre-law and Paralegal Studies Concentration: The purpose of the PLPS concentration is to establish a pre-law and paralegal studies focus of concentration within the criminal justice program and to offer the entire program in an online forum. The Concentration offered in Pre-law and Paralegal Studies at NSU provides a well-rounded liberal arts degree with a legal focus of study. Those who successfully complete this Concentration will be better able to transition into post graduate legal study or for the student desiring to move directly into the legal field in a support position in paralegal employment.

Pre-law and Paralegal Studies Concentration Requirements: The NSU Pre-law and Paralegal Studies Concentration is a seven-course, 21-hour focused concentration of pre-law study within the B.A. degree in Criminal Justice. Students completing this concentration and degree requirements will graduate with a B.A. Criminal Justice, with a Concentration in Pre-law and Paralegal Studies. Students desiring to add this concentration may do so by contacting the Registrar’s office to make this change in their curriculum.

Pre-law and Paralegal Studies (250B): (21 semester hours) to include 15 semester hours from PLPS 3020, 3030, 3040, 3050, and 3070, and (6) six semester hours of PLPS electives selected from PLPS 3010, 3060, and 3080. (PLPS 3050 is substituted in place of C3350; PLPS 3070 is substituted in place of CJ4250.)

Pre-law and Paralegal Certificate of Completion Program: The NSU Pre-law and Paralegal Studies Certificate Program is an eight-course, 24-hour course of study designed to be completed in two years. Students may enroll at the beginning of any semester and the courses need not be taken in order. The courses are taught by attorneys and will prepare the students to work in most legal venues. Enrollment is open to anyone with a high school diploma. ACT scores are not necessary. Students completing the program will receive a Certificate signifying their completion of the program.