Publication Guidelines

The editor of Southern Studies: An Interdsciplinary Journal of the South invites submission of original manuscripts which contribute to a greater knowledge and understanding of the South. Manuscripts related to historical preservation and technology are acceptable as well.

Two copies of previously unpublished manuscripts should be sent to Editor, Southern Studies, Northwestern State University, Natchitoches, LA 71497. All manuscripts must be edited carefully before submission, double-spaced, printed on 8½” x 11″ paper. Along with the hard copy, the saved Microsoft Word (preferably) digital file should be submitted electronically via email, or CD. Notes should be placed at the end of the article. The editor reserves the right to make minor changes for the sake of clarity.

Manuscripts must conform to guidelines published in The Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.) or to guidelines published by the Modern Language Association. Because articles are evaluated anonymously, the author’s name should appear only on the title page of the manuscript. Southern Studies assumes no responsibility for loss and damage to manuscripts, photographs, or illustrations sent through the mail.

Before publication of any manuscript, authors will be obliged to sign a copyright agreement with Southern Studies in accordance with U.S. Copyright laws effective January, 1978. Under the agreement, authors agree willingly to transfer copyright to Southern Studies which will, however, freely grant the author the right to reprint his or her article, if published in the author’s own works.

It is the author’s responsibility to seek out and secure permissions for images to be included in their article once it is selected for publication. Authors must secure permissions to publish images prior to publication and send proof of permissions to the editor.

Southern Studies does not accept previously published works, nor does the journal accept work under consideration for publication elsewhere.  Southern Studies also does not accept unsolicited book reviews.

Southern Studies disclaims responsibility for statements made by contributors in all articles, reviews, and miscellaneous items whether of fact or by opinion.